Ductwork Exhaust and Roof Penetration Components

different kinds of gates

different kinds of BUTTERFLY gates


Leak Free?

Available in Auto

Fully Fabricated

Half Cut Off Option

Available fully in SS

Limit Switch Option

Sizes Available


Mini Leak Gate

*across the blade


*to the atmosphere




Available fully in SS

Great for use high up in the air

Available w/ half moon stops and gaskets & Oil Light Bushings (adder)

Safe for systems with particles going through the duct

Locking Quadrant

Limit Switch available (adder)

Reed Switch Available (adder)

Sizes Available








Wondering which gate/butterfly gates fits best for your needs? Talk to your Duct guy at (336)-904-0112


Woodworkers and shop employees can spend 30 min/day, 2.5 hours/week, 180 hours/year JUST on changing out bags from your open baghouse waste collector. Why spend all that time and money changing out bags when you can be making more money? That's where our baghouse comes in.

WASTE MANAGEMENT Solutions Tailored for Small TO LARGE Shops

At US Duct, we understand ALL owner's time constraints in managing a shop. Whether you run a woodshop, metal fabrication shop, or manufacturing facility, we offer high-quality, cost-effective solutions designed to fit your space, improve your workflow, and grow your business.

Why Small Shops Choose US Duct

We’re not just a supplier, but your trusted partner for ductwork solutions that grow with your shop. Small shop owners choose US Duct because we deliver:

  • Personalized Solutions: Every duct system is tailored to your needs.

  • Fast Turnaround Times: Get your system quickly and reduce downtime.

  • Expert Advice: Our team is here to guide you every step of the way.


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Products in this collection

No Loss StackHead

No-Loss Stackheads reduce fan resistance, save energy, and protect exhaust fans from rain. Designed for efficient drainage, they ensure optimal airflow and durability.

Rain Caps

Prevent the intrusion of rain into the exhaust of your ductwork system with a rain cap. Our rain caps will stop the negative effects of water on your system. Water can contribute to the corrosion of components, especially fan and electrical elements. Learn more here!

Flap Exhaust Valves (Flap Stacks)

Flap Exhaust Valves (butterfly or gate), or Winged Stacks, open with airflow and close when idle, minimizing resistance and protecting ducts from rain. Available in 4"-32" diameters.

Vibration Dampener

Vibration dampeners reduce vibration transfer in duct systems, protecting machinery and minimizing noise. Features EDPM membrane and gauges for any application.


Air Duct Noise Silencers reduce turbulence noise in ductwork, improving workplace comfort and minimizing disturbances. Also known as duct mufflers or sound attenuators.

Legend Standing Fume Arm

Quickly remove fumes from any sized space with our standing, articulated fume arm. The continuous 360-degree rotating arm is ideal for capturing fumes from welding and other fume-emitting processes.

Our Promise

To you

Our commitment is to your success. We believe in building lasting partnerships where your growth fuels ours. We're here to support your business with the best in ductwork solutions,helping you achieve more every step of the way.

Laughing fabrication team in the shop.

Talk to a Duct Guy or Gal

Get started on a solution tailored to your needs, or explore our range of inline separators, self-dumping hoppers, and baghouses for even more ways to optimize your workspace.